Friday, May 16, 2008


Wow, what a day! I was up at 0420 this morning, and it was just a long day after that. We had our first sample of what standup will be like this morning, and saw an example EP (emergency procedure) as well which was done on one of the instructors. I was sitting close to where he was standing, and I saw that even his hands were shaking! So I know it's going to definitely be tough on us.

I didn't get my flight today, but I'm on the board for Monday and I'm looking forward to it! I sat in on both the brief and debrief of one of our guys today, and it gave a good idea of what to expect. Basically this very first ride is no-sweat, but they come fast and hard after that! So I plan on spending most of tomorrow deep in the books getting everything out of them that I can before next week. Also, it looks like our report times will be somewhere around 0400, so I'll be getting out of bed a little after 3 in the morning every day next week. What a crazy way to start off! So, my internal clock is going to be so totally off for a while.

Tonight is a cottage chat at Lighthouse where familys bring in food and have a potluck style dinner together and then someone gives a devotional as well. It should be a lot of fun, and hey, there's going to some good food! I think I'm going to make to make a batch of brownies really quickly so that I have something to contribute. And that's about it for my weekend plans rounding everything out with church on Sunday, of course. Just a lot of studying, though I'm sure I'll get in a little bit of gaming time in between, and I'll be hitting the gym tomorrow as well. One top priority for this weekend is also sleep, I am tired!

Thank goodness it's Friday!

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